Videos about the Chagossians
"Let Us Return: The Story of the Chagossians" by Andy Marsh and Chagossians in the UK (2015, 16 min.)
"How the U.S. Stole an Island" (2020, 10 min.)
Human Rights Watch video (2023, 18 min.) detailing US and UK crimes against humanity committed against the Chagossians.
John Pilger's "Stealing a Nation" (2004, 56 min.) Dated but a great documentary to learn the basic history.
Chagos Refugees Group chair Olivier Bancoult's Ted Talk (2018, 14 min.)
60 Minutes "Diego Garcia Island of Shame" (2003, 12 mins.)
Feature Film: "Absolutely Must Go" (2022) trailer #1
Feature Film: "Absolutely Must Go" (2022) trailer #2
Feature Film: "Another Paradise" (2019) trailer
"Welcome to Camp Justice" trailer (1 min)